3 Ways That you Can Make a Living Online

Laptop, Break, Coffee, Technology, Computer, Office

Let’s face it, nobody likes having to get up at the crack of dawn, get dressed up and then fight the rush hour traffic to be at your desk on time, and you probably have a few friends that earn a living online. The attractions are many; work when you want and from any location, and as far as travelling goes, you can say goodbye to that if you work online. There’s no reason why you can’t emigrate to an exotic country like Thailand, and live the life of a millionaire, and with that in mind, here are 3 ways that you can earn a decent living from the Internet.

  1. Content Writing – When you consider that 80% of all online text is written by web content writers, there is obviously a demand and if you enjoy writing, you can register as a freelance content writer with one of the many content providing agencies that can be found with an online search. All you need is a laptop for work and a stable Internet connection and you’re good to go. While you might have to pass an online English grammar test, this should not present a problem to a native English speaker, and once registered, you inform the agency when you are available for work.
  2. Teaching English – There is a huge Chinese market for teaching English online, and all you need is a laptop, a webcam and mic to start you off. Even if you have zero teaching experience, if you are a native English speaker and you are presentable, the online language school will give you some work. It’s like most things, the more you do it, the better you become, and while you might have to adjust your working hours to fall in line with Chinese time, you can make a very good living if you teach 30-40 hours per week. Here are a few pros and cons of freelancing, which you should read.
  3. Selling Products Online – This demands a lot of research and planning, but with the right products and good digital marketing, there’s no reason why you can’t make a success of it. It is wise to start off part time, keeping your regular job until such time as you are making a living from your e-store. Outsourcing is the key to managing an e-commerce platform, namely your IT needs and your logistics (and you can make a few bucks with old computer disposal services), which will enable you to manage your business from your laptop. You will need web design and hosting, and with a range of digital payment gateways in place, your customers will enjoy a smooth purchasing experience. Bear in mind that you have a lot of competition, which is why you need SEO services to drive traffic to your sales platform, which need to be ongoing if you are to reach your sales targets. Here is some government information about setting up a business, which might help you arrange things.

Once you taste the digital nomad life, you will never want to work for a company again, and if you apply yourself 100% to the task, you can make a very good living.

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