Douglas James Shares His Favorite Business & Self-Development Podcasts

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No matter what field or sector you work in, consistent growth and personal development is key to success. Bettering yourself as a person, and advancing in your craft, will help you be happier in your life, and more successful in your work for the long run. Especially in the world of business, staying motivated, inspired, and on top of new trends can mean the difference between success and failure. Podcasts are an excellent way to learn, grow, and find inspiration, especially on the go, for the busy entrepreneur. There’s no shortage of helpful podcasts out there, which you can use to your advantage. We spoke with Douglas James, a digital marketing expert with a background in entrepreneurship. He’s sharing some of his favorite business and self-development podcasts, to help get you started.

The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions

Robin Sharma is best known for his bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, which details what he learned after leaving the field of litigation law at the age of 25. In this self-development podcast, Sharma analyzes the world’s top 5% of performers, and dives into what they do that makes them tick.

Kwik Brain Podcasts

The art of learning is a craft in itself. If you want to maximize your brain power, and tap into your true learning potential, Jim Kwik might be able to help. Kwik is an expert in teaching people how to learn, and he’s trained many CEOs and experts around the world in his techniques.

Smart Passive Income

This award-winning podcast is hosted by Pat Flynn, and gives insight on how to increase your profits in an online business. Flynn offers crucial tips for entrepreneurs, like scaling your online venture and increasing profits. This practical advice can be applied to your day-to-day work.

Masters of Scale

Podcast host Reid Hoffman knows a thing or two about founding a business: he co-founded LinkedIn, and he’s a partner at a venture capital firm. Hoffman takes his experience and talks to powerhouse executives at companies like Netflix and Facebook, to analyze how companies grow. You’ll hear the stories of many companies which found success as startups.

The Internet Business Mastery

Hosted by Jeremy Frandsen and Jason Van Orden, the Internet Business Mastery podcast helps people who want to leave their 9-5 routine, in pursuit of entrepreneurship. They help people create “automated online income streams,” by offering practical tips that listeners can utilize in their daily lives with ease.

About Douglas James

Douglas James is an expert in all things digital marketing and has years of experience as an entrepreneur. You can read more about how he’s dedicated to helping entrepreneurs boost their business, and how he’s helped more than 1,500 entrepreneurs find success.

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