FH Cann & Associates Shares The Best Podcasts To Learn About Customer Service

F.H. Cann & Associates Shares The Best Podcasts To Learn About Customer Service

FH Cann & Associates Shares The Best Podcasts To Learn About Customer Service

Every business exists to serve a need. It is when the need of the business is met that fulfilment, growth and expansion are recorded. Where these needs are not met, the business is only existing for the time being and might soon wither away. 

The needs of these businesses are, however, not met in a vacuum. To meet these needs, there has to be in existence the receiving factor. When it comes to business, the receiving factor is the customer, clients or any other name they are branded with. 

Experience has shown that the customers are the most important part of a business, and without them, the business cannot move forward. This is why many people invest so much in ensuring that they have a good customer service relationship for their business. This goes a long way to satisfy the needs of the customers and retain them for the business. 

As a business owner, one of the ways through which you can improve your customer service is to listen to podcasts about customer service. The truth, however, is that there are different podcasts out there that you would have difficulty selecting the best.

To take away this difficulty, F.H. Cann & Associates have decided to share some of the very best podcasts where you can learn about customer service.

Experience This!: Experience This! is one of the best podcasts on customer service that you can find out there. It is hosted by the legendary Dan Gingiss and Joey Coleman.

This podcast brings you the experience of individuals and companies who have defied the odds to satisfy their customers. You will get to learn how to create an outstanding customer service experience and improve your business. You can get the hang of Experience This! from here.

Repeat Customer: One important thing about customers is not that you have them patronize you, but that you have them coming back and bringing others. To achieve this is not an easy task, but Zendesk’s Repeat Customers will make it easy. 

This podcast gives you an in-depth analysis of how companies have successfully disrupted their industry with nothing but exceptional customer service relationships. Each episode tells a new disruptive story and brings you closer to the plausibility of achieving an enviable customer service experience. You can take a listen to this podcast here.

The Customer Support Podcast: The truth about customer service does not only entail providing service or product for your customers. It also requires you to give adequate support to them before, during and after-sale. 

How you can achieve that may be difficult, but with this podcast, you can be sure that it will come easy. This podcast will also expose you to how you can use technology to improve your customer service experience. You can listen to this podcast here.

The Intuitive Customer Podcast: There is one thing that stands this podcast out, and that is because it examines the psychology of customers. The truth is, to keep customers and satisfy them, you must be able to dissect what makes them go for a particular product or service. This exact thing is what this podcast seeks to achieve. 

With this podcast, you will learn about how emotions and psychology interfere with customers’ decisions. You will also learn how to easily adapt so that you can meet your customer’s changing needs. You can listen to this podcast here.

In all, the customer service experience you put in place for your customers is what would determine whether they would come back or not. This is why F.H. Cann & Associates Inc. recommends to always ensure you give the best customer service experience. 

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