Radio shows in the morning can be everything from entertaining to reasonably informative. Radio shows are much like podcasts with additional commercials and possible content that you might want to skip over. A downloaded podcast allows the listener to skip passed certain subjects that they might not have any interest in or that makes them uncomfortable. What many people have started to do is that of listening to industry podcasts on their way to work. This can allow a person to keep up to date with what is going on in the industry without having to read during their free time. A commute will allow you to learn instead of waste time listening to yet another prank call done by a generic radio shock jock.
Podcasts also can give you a deeper look into the news rather than a headline with very little content to help explain situations happening. This happens quite a bit on TV as mitigating reasons for unrest are rarely discussed as the news is on a timeline. Podcasts often times are calling out news and radio shows due to their lack of fact checking and obviously politically tilted coverage. The podcast can educate you during a workout or your commute without cutting into your valuable free time. Start checking out a few podcasts that interest you or relate to your job as it will help you grow as a person as well as a professional.